Posture, Blamed for Everything…

... But, mostly irrelevant. One quick Google search and you will learn that posture causes low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, and cardiovascular disease... Amongst many, many other pathologies. Before we determine the impact of posture on painful conditions, we first need to define what "bad posture" is considered and that starts with…

Femoroacetabular Impingement: Morphology Does Not Equal Pathology

Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAIS) was described as early as 19361 and has been drastically increasing in popularity over the past two decades2. As this condition has become more respected amongst the medical community, the number of patients identified with FAIS was significantly increased3. With this increased recognition, there has also been a markedly rising number…

Lateral Hip Pain? Time to Stop Blaming the Poor Bursa…

Lateral hip pain is a very common occurrence amongst the general population and even more-so for middle-aged women, who demonstrate a 4x higher prevalence then men. In fact, literature has found that 23.5% of women over the age of 50 indicate having persistent lateral hip pain (15% unilateral and 8.5% bilateral)1. Pain in this region…

Early Sport Specialization…

Growing up and playing competitive hockey, my goal was always to obtain a college scholarship and maybe, just maybe make it to that next level. So, I did what any other talented young athlete would do, listen to well-meaning coaches and scouts and focus all of my energy on MY sport at a young age. I thoroughly enjoyed playing hockey and was happy to play 2 hours, 5 times a week year-round…

Review: MedBridgeGO Patient HEP app

Patient compliance is an integral piece of the rehabilitation puzzle. Patients being consistent with their prescribed home exercise program depends on several factors, however there are two aspects that stand out beyond the rest. Forming a Therapeutic Alliance with the patient and getting buy-in that their program will help them achieve THEIR goals Providing a…

Updated Clinical Prediction Rule Resource (Again)

Clinical Prediction Rules (CPRs) are an interesting, complicated, and often misunderstood area of rehabilitation research. To say all CPRs are not created equal would be a significant understatement. In this most recent rehaul of the CPR Resource, I focused on not just adding to the quantity of rules included, but I spent the vast majority of…

Effectiveness of Manual Therapy for Knee Pain

The following is another article written for the online, video-based physical therapy continuing education company MedBridge Education… Knee osteoarthritis (Knee OA) is one of the most prevalent and debilitating orthopedic complaints for 28% of adults over 45 years old and 37% of those over 65 years old in the United States. In addition, 1.6% of adults over…

Research Review: Validation of a Clinical Prediction Rule to Identify Patients with LBP Likely to Respond to Stabilization Exercises

Study Design Randomized Controlled Trial. Subjects One hundred five patients diagnosed with LBP and referred to physical therapy at 1 of 5 outpatient clinics of Clalit Health Services in the Tel-Aviv metropolitan area, Israel, were recruited for this study. Of these 105 patients, 40 were positive on the Stabilization CPR and 65 were negative. The…

Research Review: Effect of Manual Therapy on Vertebral and Internal Carotid Blood Flow

In the next installment of my Research Review series for MedBridge Education, we will discuss a recent study that appeared in Physical Therapy Journal conducted by Thomas et al.  The authors investigated the changes in vertebral and internal carotid blood flow during selective positions that are commonly associated with manual therapy techniques were assumed. This…

Research Review: Effect of Prehabilitation on the Outcome of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

In my first in a series of 'Research Review' articles for MedBridge Education, I will review a recent study that appeared in The American Journal of Sports Medicine.  Shaarani et al investigated the utility of a Prehabilitation program for patients scheduled to undergo anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Considering the variable rate of return to sport…